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Entrance Hybrid System Doors

Doors are the hallmark of our home. They set the stage for what is inside. They are the ambassador and the guardian of the hearth. Before entering a house, one must first cross and be greeted by the door.

We asked our customers what the ideal house door should be like. First of all, the door should look beautiful and be of high quality. That part is obvious. As far as technical parameters are concerned, thermal insulation plays a key role. Compare our products in terms of thermal insulation. Choose the optimal solution for you.

What is a Hybrid Doors?

The idea behind hybrid doors is to intelligently combine different materials to achieve optimum performance. This means making use of their advantages while at the same time eliminating the disadvantages. There are many types of exterior doors on the market. The most popular are wooden, aluminium, steel or plastic doors. All these materials have advantages, but also disadvantages, which translate into the properties of the door and its price.

What is Simple-Elegance Technology?

We would like to present to you an innovative technology - SIMPLE-ELEGANCE eliminates the disadvantages of traditional technology and at the same time creates completely new design possibilities with the use of glass and other decorative elements.

In the traditional technology of door production, the first step is to produce a full leaf. Next, an opening is cut out for the sealed unit. The space between the sealed unit and the leaf insert is always a weak area. It is a thermal bridge, a potential place of leakage, it weakens the rigidity and lowers resistance to burglary.


In SIMPLE-ELEGANCE technology, first the glazing is installed and then the PUR foam is injected into the leaf. Foam bonds perfectly with the glazing and fills the entire space. This solution offers many advantages: excellent thermal insulation is maintained over the entire surface and the PUR foam perfectly seals and stiffens the leaf.


With SIMPLE-ELEGANCE technology, it is possible to use entire sealed units to obtain doors with translucent glazing. You can also use an application with single or double glazing. Then the entire space between applications is filled with PUR foam and the glazing is opaque. This technology enabled us to create the SIMPLE ELEGANCE collection, which is very popular among customers.

In the Simple Elegance collection, the glass is slightly recessed in relation to the surface of the leaf and the connection is finished with a subtle, barely visible seal. This gives the possibility to create completely new designs -simple, elegant and modern.

House Doors - Thermal Standards


According to European standards, the coefficient of doors installed in houses may not exceed Ud=1.5 W/m2K.

House Doors - Design

Apartment Doors - Safety Standards



In everyday language the term „burglar-proof door" is used. In practice, a burglar-proof door do not exist, because any door can be forced open. The question is what tools need to be used for the task, how long it will take and how much noise it will generate. Burglary resistance classes are specified in the European standard PN-EN 1627:2012. Acting in accordance with this standard, a highly qualified technician will attempt to force through various types of doors using a specific set of tools. If a door withstands an attempt with a given tool set longer than the time specified in the standard, then it can be marked with the given RC resistance class. The assumptions of the standard are specified in the table below.


Sistemas de puertas correderas y elevables:

Ya sean ventanas correderas, puertas correderas o ascensor/puertas correderas. KBE ofrece una amplia gama de sistemas deslizantes con varias profundidades de construcción.
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  • PremiPuerta 76– Innovador sistema de puerta corredera/elevadora con profundidad de construcción de 76 mm.

  • Umbrales totalmente accesibles realizados de conformidad con las normas.

  • Tamaño máximo de elemento de 6,50 m de ancho × 2,60 m de alto para elementos blancos.

  • Coeficiente medio de transferencia de calor Valor Uf = 1,4 W/(m²K).

  • Sistema de sellado único con sello central de gran volumen en el sujetador central.

  • Juego de líneas extremadamente esbelto con un ancho de hoja de solo 100 mm.

  • Facilidad de manejo al abrir y cerrar.

  • Opciones de diseño en PVC blanco clásico y en laminados color madera, liso y metalizado.

  • Todos los perfiles de PVC-U se fabrican con estabilizadores sin plomo a base de calcio y zinc.

Puertas Oscilobatientes Roto Patio Alversa

Roto Patio Alversa cumple con los requisitos individuales de los clientes gracias a su diseño modular. Un solo sistema ofrece cuatro soluciones diferentes, ya que Roto Patio Alversa se puede diseñar como sistema oscilo-corredero. Se puede seleccionar ventilación nocturna o basculante según la versión.
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Roto Patio Alversalos sistemas deslizantes son un formato fundamentalmente nuevo para el diseño de la entrada a la casa, terraza o logia, con muchas oportunidades para una vida cómoda. 

Ventajas de Alversa Patio: 

- 50 % más de superficie acristalada, lo que significa vistas panorámicas fuera de la ventana, 50 % más de luz natural y confort 
- Ergonomía y comodidad de apertura corredera 
- Puede colocar elementos interiores cerca, ahorrando espacio 
- Antirrobo hasta 2 clase de seguridad, fiabilidad y durabilidad del líder del mercado Roto Frank.  La vida útil es de al menos 10 años o 15.000 ciclos de apertura/cierre 
- Control manual o semiautomático 
- Amplia gama de precios

Puertas de entrada de PVC:

Las puertas de entrada están diseñadas para dar la primera impresión de la casa. 

Estándar de puerta residencial KBE 76


KBE 76 también le permite construir las puertas residenciales, de balcón, de terraza y correderas/basculantes paralelas a juego. Y todo ello con valores sobresalientes de aislamiento térmico y acústico, así como una resistencia muy eficaz a la intemperie ya la lluvia torrencial.

KBE 76 le permite diseñar puertas como desee. Puede elegir entre acristalamientos funcionales modernos en una gran variedad de patrones y colores de superficie, acristalamientos con iluminación de efecto LED o acristalamientos con motivos, o entre la amplia gama de acristalamientos de fabricantes de renombre. También el nivel de protección contra entrada forzada y la clase de resistencia se pueden definir por separado para cada puerta residencial.

  • Puertas residenciales, balconeras, terrazas y correderas basculantes paralelas

  • Valor UD hasta 1,0 W/(m²K)

  • Profundidad de instalación 76 mm

  • Grosor de acristalamiento 50 mm

  • Disponible con proCoverTec y proEnergyTec

  • También disponible con tapas de aluminio AluClip

  • Perfecta protección contra el viento y la lluvia.

  • Alto aislamiento térmico gracias al umbral con rotura de puente térmico

  • Tamaños máximos de hoja:

  • Puerta residencial, hoja simple, 1200 x 2400 mm

  • Puerta de vivienda, hoja con montante flotante, 1000 x 2400 mm

  • Alto nivel de protección contra entrada forzada: hasta clase de resistencia RC 2

  • Gran estanqueidad gracias a las juntas dobles en el umbral

  • Uso de acristalamientos funcionales especiales o paneles de puertas residenciales disponibles comercialmente

  • Totalmente reciclable

  • Línea verde

Puertas francesas y simples:

Puertas plegables:

Garage Doors

Each Ryterna garage door is made to bring unlimited possibilities of customized designs and dimensions. Choose Ryterna – production of solid garage doors, using thick and robust materials for more durability and longer lifetime of the product.


Sectional doors are among the most popular garage door type on the market. They became an increasingly popular option for customers, they provide a combination of economy, durability and a good look. Perfect acoustic and thermal insulation are guaranteed by 40-mm-thick, PU-foamed sandwich panels.

No width limits.

Each Ryterna garage door is made to bring unlimited possibilities of customized designs and dimensions. Sectional garage doors can be made up to 8 m in width.


Reliable materials.

Choose Ryterna – production of solid garage doors, using thick and robust materials for more durability and longer lifetime of the product.

Unique design.

Wide range of stainless steel appliques that suit the most demanding design requirements. Using stainless steel windows will give garage doors a contemporary design.


Alumax and Okoume.

Sectional garage door panel clad with 2.5 mm aluminum sheets milled and painted in any RAL color including metallic finish and decorated with inlays can create a real piece of art.
Extremely water resistant okoume hardwood is used for shipbuilding. By carving or milling okoume layer we can recreate different motifs, patterns and ornaments.Alumax and Okoume.

Matching design.

Matching front and garage door design. An excellent solution for a perfect match.


ALU frame.

Aluminum frame for garage door fitted in between  –  easy installation, durable and modern looking.

For convenience – the pass door.

Pass doors are a very convenient option if garage door space is used for a hobby or as a utility room. Left or right handling, width up to 1.2 m and low threshold can turn your garage into a handy space.


Look from inside.

Our residential R40 garage doors with tension springs are a perfect choice for both – new-build and renovated houses. Our TL doors have been developed and tested under the most demanding industrial conditions.

Customized tracks.

Safe and reliable tracks are made accordingly to your garage features and roof pitch. Standard tracks are zinc coated, but they also can be powder coated in almost any color.


Operating comfort.

Ryterna garage doors are designed to work operated by hand or door opener. They are compatible with operators of most well-known manufacturers and provides you optimal operating comfort, efficiency and safety.

Windows as a design element.

Acrylic double glazed windows come in a clear, mat, ‚frosted‘ or tinted finish. Full view panels can be coated in any RAL color or in Golden Oak finish.

Perforated steel

An abundance of choices.

More than 100 variations of door panel designs, surface textures and colors available.


Garage doors come in a variety of configurations, with a style perfect for every home. 

Contact us for more information.


Side hinged garage doors could be a perfect solution if your garage space is used as a utility room, storage or workshop. Original robust design, simplicity and law maintenance guarantee long service life and reliable performance.

Your choice.

Various possibilities to build your side-hinged door. Panels layout can be horizontal, vertical, or in chevron style. Different shapes of stainless steel windows and over 100-panel types let you show your individuality.


Stylish looking.

Front doors can have the same look as your side hinged garage doors. Matching design and layout bring consistency to house facade.


Full view panels not only let more light to your garage but also give you an exclusive look. They can be coated in any RAL color or in Golden Oak finish. Acrylic double glazed windows come in a clear, mat, ’frosted‘ or tinted finish.


No standards.

Your side hinged door can be split equally or in a proportion 1/3 to 2/3. All Ryterna side hinged doors are made to measure.

Solid hinges.

Easily adjustable hinges on  SH2 model doors allow precise installation. SH1 spring hinges ensure safe and soft door closing.


Robust frame.

The quality produced welded or assembly on site frames for SH2 models allow easy and fast installation.


Our side hinged garage doors are equipped with hinge-bolts and can be ordered with 3 point safety locks.


Windows as a design element.

Double acrylic windows can be transparent, matte, frosted or tinted. The frame of the panoramic segments can be painted in any color of the RAL palette or covered with an imitation of golden oak.

Perforated steel

Garage doors come in a variety of configurations, with a style perfect for every home. 

Contact us for more information.


Side sliding sectional doors are a great solution for easy and convenient installation. Forgotten vertical panel layout nowadays looks like new. In fact modern technologies reborn in old and good design for a new life.

Unique design.

Wide range of stainless steel appliques that suit the most demanding design requirements. Using stainless steel windows will give garage door contemporary design.


Aluminum hardware.

Aluminum hardware can be powder coated to match your garage interior. A low profile threshold can be fixed right on the existing garage floor.

Matching design.

Side sliding garage doors match perfectly with your front doors.


Adaptation to the situation.

Various opening options. Your side sliding garage door can be adjusted according to your special garage walls constructions.

Operating comfort.

RYTERNA garage doors are designed to work as manually, as well electrically operated. They are compatible with operators of most well-known manufacturers and provides you optimal operating comfort, efficiency and safety.


Windows as a design element.

Double acrylic windows can be transparent, matte, frosted or tinted. The frame of the panoramic segments can be painted in any color of the RAL palette or covered with an imitation of golden oak.

Perforated steel

An abundance of choices.

More than 100 variations of door panel designs, surface textures and colors available.


Garage doors come in a variety of configurations, with a style perfect for every home. 

Contact us for more information.

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